Smoke Ventilation Service & Maintanence
Smoke Control ventilation systems play an important part in protecting a building, its occupants and its contents, and must operate in the event of smoke/fire detection. It is critical that the smoke ventilation equipment installed performs instantly and effectively.
What can possibly happen?
Approximately 100 fires per day are recorded in Ireland. A fire releases smoke and hot gases, which if not adequately dealt with by smoke ventilation systems will cause smoke inhalation by people with possibly death, and will hamper safe evacuation and fire-fighting.
In Irish law, smoke ventilation systems must be regularly inspected and be operational. The owner or the management company of all premises are responsible for the statutory inspection and maintenance of smoke ventilation systems. Smoke ventilators are an essential element of the smoke/fire management and emergency exit strategy for your building. They must operate in a fire/emergency situation to ensure that the escape routes for your personnel and any members of the public is unimpeded by smoke.
It is critical that buildings which are frequented by members of the public and are therefore not familiar with your building escape routes, have smoke prevention systems operational. The installed smoke ventilation system must be inspected and maintained on a regular basis to ensure your system is signed-off in a fully operational condition.
Why avail of Crossflow’s experience?
Crossflow have over 40 years of experience in smoke and natural ventilation systems which has brought us to the forefront of smoke/heat extraction and natural ventilation systems in the Irish marketplace. We are proud of our partnership with Brakel Life Saving products who are the world’s leading manufactures of natural smoke and heat ventilation systems. Crossflow provide a complete service, from architectural design stages, to give a highly aesthetically pleasing solution to your smoke/natural ventilation requirements, through to installation and final commissioning.
Crossflow provides expertise in natural and powered ventilation systems all in accordance to BS EN12101, ensuring that the highest standards in critical areas is achieved and comply with local Fire Regulations.
We use the AFS system…
In keeping with the highest standards and practices, we utilise Advanced Field Solutions (AFS) web-based mainten- ance technologies as standard. The AFS technology is linked into you the client, offering a wealth of live information re your equipment, us as your Smoke Control equipment service provider, ensuring an efficient cost-effective operation of service and maintenance.
Some of the many benefits include:
- Remote log on
- Call logging
- Contract works on-line
- Engineer feedback reports
- PMM due dates
- Invoicing
Click here if you would like to download the PDF

Do you comply with Fire Services Act 1981 & 2003, Multi Unit Development Act 2011, EN 12101, BS 5588, BS 9999 and BS 7346?
The emphasis is on the protection of life and property, the planned maintenance and service is to ensure that the system will function satisfactory in an emergency at any time and under any conditions. Smoke Ventilation Systems ensure that hot gases are removed during a fire, by restricting smoke logging during a fire occupants have more time in which to escape.