Air Conditioning Service & Maintanence
The service and maintenance of an air conditioning system is a vitally important requirement which will save you money and extend its life span of service. Regular air conditioning maintenance is essential, to ensure that a continually high standard of system performance is achieved and managed.
What can possibly go wrong?
Air conditioners are complex mechanical systems that depend on a wide variety of conditions to work correctly. They are sized to meet a certain “load” on the building. They are designed to have certain amount of refrigerant, known as the “charge”and to have a certain amount of air flow across the coils. When any of these things change, the system will have problems. This can result with some obvious signs:
- Higher energy bills and lower performance are sure signs your air conditioning unit needs fixing but symptoms like these might also be clues:
- Mouldy odours or other “off” smells
- A noisy air flow, or bumping noises when the blower starts up
- Streaks of what looks like “dirt” on air conditioning grills
- Recurrent power failures in your area (voltage issues can really affect air conditioning units).
Repairs to air conditioning systems are expensive, disruptive and inconvenient. Using an experienced maintenance service company will prevent that.
Why avail of Crossflow’s experience?
Crossflow have been installing and servicing top end air conditioning systems for over 40 years. We have been, and continue to be, one of the leading maintenance service providers, because of our experience, determination and professionalism. Our professionally qualified engineers are committed to providing an efficient and thorough service, and are trained to troubleshoot for possible errors yet to occur in your system. We believe our maintenance contract roll of over 400 customers is evidence of our success with clients like VHI, Aer Rianta, Microsoft, Zurich, Eircom, Toyota, IBM, RTE, just to name but a few.
It is one of our company goals to provide an unrivalled customer service for all our customers, big or small, whether office, retail or commercial situation, with a relationship that is mutually beneficial to us all.
We use the AFS system…
In keeping with the highest standards and practices, we utilise Advanced Field Solutions (AFS) web-based maintenance technologies, as standard. The AFS technology is linked into you the client, offering a wealth of live information re your equipment, us as your air conditioning equipment service provider, and ensures an efficient cost-effective operation of service and maintenance. Some of the many benefits include:
- Remote log on
- Call logging
- Contract works on-line
- Engineer feedback reports
- PPM due dates
- Invoicing
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Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas Regulations EC 517/2014 & Irish Regulation SI 279 of 2011
requires all businesses that operate equipment containing Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases (more commonly known as F-Gases) ensure that companies and individuals who carry out the following: Installation, maintenance, service and or repair on the following equipment: Air-Conditioning Systems/Heat Pump Equipment containing or designed to contain F-Gases must comply with the regulations.
Crossflow’s engineers are fully trained and are F-Gas Certified.